Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why is this happening?

First, I would like to note two factors contributing immensely to global warming, negatively.
The first type is natural causes, like volcanic and solar activities. While the other type goes to humans, where machinery emissions are rising everyday because of the major development taking place daily. What is the greenhouse effect, you say? Highly concentrated emissions like CO2, CH4 (also known as methane) and water vapor are the main cause of earth's current state. These gases along with water vapor create clouds that work like a barrier preventing heat waves from leaving the earth's atmosphere, and returning to it which makes the earth in a near-suffocating state. Compared to the natural causes of global warming, humans are at the roots of this phenomenon. For example, Factories are one source of CO2 and other gases. Also, daily activities like transportation have a huge effect on the atmosphere. This includes cars, airplanes, motorcycles, where these machines release CO2 every second in every day.

Upcoming next: The effects of Global Warming!


Abdulaziz said...

Hey Mohd thanx for sharing us this great topic. Give me one solution which can reduce the CO2 from cars.


Anonymous said...

This article in Gulf News says that at least 75% of the air pollution in Dubai is caused by emissions from cars. Do you think it's a good idea to fine drivers 3oo dirhams if their car does not meet standards?

CompuGuru said...

I think that they should not be fined. They should give them a warning and a time period to fix their cars. If they don't take appropriate measurements, their cars should be taken to Musafah (car dump) and sell the parts or something. Anyhow, that's my opinion on this issue.


Ahmed said...

Hi Mohd

what else than cars can help to reduce CO2..?