Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ok...... now what?

As far as politicians are concerned, here are some pics to view their ideas:

As for little friends of humans, well..... here's what they think:

Till when will people think it's not a problem? This issue is greater than anything that has ever faced the earth in a long time.


Mr.secret said...

There are many problems that we could try to deal with, but you know such this problem could require a lot. The problem here is how we can remedy this problems. If the people appreciate its causes, what can they do? I think this problem is on the world's heads' responsibility? If so, What strategies can they take that could at least lessen its consequences? Maybe getting ride of greenhouses is a good idea, but we know what its benefits on agriculture is. The problem is getting worse and worse, and we are going to melt some day. At last, to calm myself do down, Nothing is Impossible!! It is going to be ended up with somehow way that just my God knows about..
Regards, Mr.secret

Molly Kirk said...

I am really intrigued because the pictures are not coming through. Could you please check your settings or edit the blog? I'd love to see the politicians and the little friends!

CompuGuru said...

It's strange, all the pics are working fine. Maybe you'd better try opening the blog on another computer?


Anonymous said...

this is me Saleh shamlan,I want to say your blog is good,but it has alot of cartoon pictures so try to not put more than one or two.

CompuGuru said...

Thanks for ur comment saleh, but i believe that every picture has a different purpose behind it. Every picture has a different point of view, explaining different situations. ;)