Wednesday, April 18, 2007

To whom it may concern: What is global warming?

I'm very sure that everyone in this world have heard of what scientists would like to call "Global warming". To you people who don't know what it is: Global warming is the definition of the increased temperature of the earth's atmosphere, which is the product of human development industry such as greenhouses. Most global temperature changes that happened before were due to volcanic activities and such, which releases Carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere to a certain amount that has minor if not any effect on the global average temperature. You might want to ask "How will that affect our lives?" right about now. At first, the extra heat on earth will not only oblige you to buy A.C's or fans. In fact, It will affect the Arctic and Alaska in which will melt slowly, raising the sea level. With a little thinking, you'll notice that rising sea level means that lots of beach cities and islands will be completely submerged underwater. I will continue will providing further info on this topic later on.

1 comment:

Waddah Al Tamimi said...


Very nice blog filled with good informations and i think it concerns everybody. because, Almost every single one in this world is aware of what's going on with the global.

thank you for the informations.

keep it up