Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I welcome thee to my blog.

The blog will be discussing the world's number 1 issue: Global Warming.
Feel free to contribute in any way from emailing me to commenting on any post here.

Note: This is a project held in HCT.


Saoud said...

Nice blog bro.. keep up the good work.

Mr.secret said...

Well, keeping silent sometimes does not bring the solutions. So, to start overcoming somethings that even are invincible, we should initially have a real desire to do so, and then share our opinions with the others in order to obtain more solutions. Thus, the more possible it is to create a faster shortcut for easier remedy. That would make our life easier.
Extremely nice blog my for-4-year friend.. Whatever my words are, I just hope good luck for you ;)

Molly Kirk said...

Great beginning on your blog, Mohamed! Your words make me think that the future is in the hands of your generation. Think green!

Metal77 said...

Hello Mohammed

nice blog..keep up the good work