Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The End

In this project, i learned many things. The purpose of this blog is to raise awareness around the world about the fact that our beloved Earth will end, and why? Because we did it without awareness. Creating this blog was sickening (probably gave me head cancer) at first, but it got more and more fun with time. Finally, I hope that creating this blog will help make people aware of the upcoming danger, and help make an end to it, in a good way...

I bid thee farewell..... Laterz~

Global Warming in the UAE

Here I'm going to talk about the measurements the government of the UAE is taking regarding Global Warming,
The unique “Green Community” will open in late 2009 in the heart of the emirate and is the brainchild of the Masdar Initiative, a multi-billion dollar response to the global need for advanced energies and sustainability-related technologies, driven by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC).
Masdar CEO Sultan Al Jaber said: “By attempting the first carbon neutral city in the world, Masdar is demonstrating its commitment to change the way the world understands energy and sustainable resource utilisation. One day all cities will be built like this.” Inside, a host of science and research institutes and laboratories, dedicated to developing sustainable resources and energy, will join a residential space for employees and a carefully selected pool of international tenants who will invest, develop and commercialise advanced technologies.

For more info check

The effect of Global Warming on Sea level...

Glaciers and ice shelves around the world are melting. The loss of large areas of ice on the surface could accelerate global warming because less of the sun's energy would be reflected away from Earth to begin with. An immediate result of melting glaciers would be a rise in sea levels. Initially, the rise in sea level would only be an inch or two. Even a modest rise in sea levels could cause flooding problems for low-lying coastal areas. However, if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to melt and collapse into the sea, it would push sea levels up 10 meters (more than 32 feet), and many coastal areas would completely disappear beneath the ocean.

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) estimates that sea levels rose 17 centimeters (or about 6.7 inches) in the 20th century. Scientists project rising sea levels to continue through the 21st century, with levels increasing between 7 and 22 inches by 2100. The IPCC did not consider changes in ice flow in these projections due to a lack of scientific data. Sea levels will likely be greater than the range of projections, but we can't be sure by how much until more data can be gathered about the effect of global warming on ice flows.

One main factor in demolishing the earth

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas that is a by-product of the combustion of organic matter. It makes up less than 0.04 percent of Earth's atmosphere, most of which was put there by volcanic activity very early in the planet's life. Today, human activities are pumping huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, resulting in an overall increase in carbon dioxide concentrations. These increased concentrations are considered the primary factor in global warming, because carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation. Most of the energy that escapes Earth's atmosphere comes in this form, so extra CO2 means more energy absorption and an overall increase in the planet's temperature. Carbon dioxide is released from cars, factories, etc...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why is this happening?

First, I would like to note two factors contributing immensely to global warming, negatively.
The first type is natural causes, like volcanic and solar activities. While the other type goes to humans, where machinery emissions are rising everyday because of the major development taking place daily. What is the greenhouse effect, you say? Highly concentrated emissions like CO2, CH4 (also known as methane) and water vapor are the main cause of earth's current state. These gases along with water vapor create clouds that work like a barrier preventing heat waves from leaving the earth's atmosphere, and returning to it which makes the earth in a near-suffocating state. Compared to the natural causes of global warming, humans are at the roots of this phenomenon. For example, Factories are one source of CO2 and other gases. Also, daily activities like transportation have a huge effect on the atmosphere. This includes cars, airplanes, motorcycles, where these machines release CO2 every second in every day.

Upcoming next: The effects of Global Warming!

Ok...... now what?

As far as politicians are concerned, here are some pics to view their ideas:

As for little friends of humans, well..... here's what they think:

Till when will people think it's not a problem? This issue is greater than anything that has ever faced the earth in a long time.

Pics and..... pics?

The picture above explains the greenhouse effect on the atmosphere and shows the mechanism of how global warming happens.

This graph shows the Carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Needless to say, this line will soon break through the charts, and indicates the upcoming of a global crisis.

If you're not good with charts and statistics, here is a real picture of whats happening right now in Alaska. Slowly this will all be reduced to nothing but water...